Endless Sitecore OrderCloud Integration
Ready-to-use no-code integration connectors for Sitecore OrderCloud Commerce solution that delivers personalized web experience.
- Prebuilt connectors into hundreds of systems for Sitecore OrderCloud
- Cloud-native integration solution
- Complete automation with business rules and triggers
Enable deep no-code Sitecore OrderCloud integration
- No code Integration Designer built for the architect, IT or professional that is looking for the edge
100's of pre built connectors and auto builders to help you go faster connecting Sitecore across the enterprise
- Single point for centralized field mapping, transformation logic and business rules
Connect back office with Sitecore OrderCloud
Create trigger based events for everything from inventory updates to abandoned shopping carts
Drive events in OrderCloud from the backoffice like creating pricing schedules or multi-faceted items
- No code process automtion improves efficiencies and minimize IT costs
Key Sitecore integration solution features
No Code Configuration
Certified Connectors
Easy Transformations
On Call Info Services
Auto Field Mapping
Dynamic Prediction Modelling
In-flight Governance
Secure On-Premise Connection
Single solution enabling Sitecore OrderCloud Integration
Certified Integration
Process Triggers
Link cloud and on-premise events together like inventory updates, new customer creation or pricing changes.
Automate Business Rules
Enable cross platform experiences like omnichannel pricing, inventory and catalog integration plus payments and shipping preferences.
Omni-channel Experiences
How the Sitecore integration solution works
How the Sitecore integration solution works
Bi-directional business processes create and update: accounts, customer, inventory, pricing, order and related information.
Baseline Sitecore connector capabilities for OrderCloud integration
Baseline Sitecore connector capabilities for OrderCloud integration
- Automatic inventory updates and custom catalog synchronization
- Codeless configuration bi-directional Sitecore integration
- Rules-based framework and Data Governance
- Performance monitoring and exception management
- Order management and reporting
- Multi-mode deployment options for cloud, hosted and on-premise
- Sitecore OrderCloud 1.0.222 or newer support
- Version management - current and two connector versions back
- Marketing automation and ESP connectors
- Content management support
- Business intelligence and big data support
- Standard and custom Sitecore api supported
Deployment architecture example of
Sitecore OrderCloud and an ERP
Deployment architecture example of
Sitecore OrderCloud and an ERP
Integration solution resources
How to Deliver Sitecore Integration
Step-by-step walkthrough of how to deliver Sitecore integration. See the steps needed to connect, extend and configure business scenarios.
7 Benefits of Data Automation
The top 7 reasons and benefits that you'll get from using a modern no-code integration solution. Learn the benefits that organizations reap when modernizing with Put It Forward.
What is Data Integration?
Data integration comes in many styles and formats that can confuse the novice easily. Learn about the different types and when to use each for your benefit.